We understand, whether there will be a partial or no season at all, still remains uncertain as we make our way toward May and what would normally be the start of baseball.  Having said this, we continue to be engaged, and work with the Town of Ajax and our governing bodies such as Baseball Ontario in the hope some form of baseball will be played this year.

 These are extraordinary times, and our organization is committed to making sure baseball remains a source of pleasure and optimism for our members.  To that end, Ajax Baseball is building a plan around the two likely outcomes for the 2020 season:    1) That the season is cancelled 2) There is a partial/limited season.  Regardless of the outcome, our focus is on ensuring not only the value of the moneys you’ve paid but looking at ways we can say thank you for your patience in these difficult times.

 Keeping these efforts in mind, it is best for our families to remain registered in order to take advantage of any offers from Ajax Baseball, regardless of the outcome.  Again though, our priority is to make this process as transparent as possible and anyone wishing to obtain a full refund, may do so at any time.

Yours in baseball,

Rich Leitch

President, Ajax Baseball